I observed, "Love is the fulfilling of the law, the end of the commandment." It is not only "the first and great" command, but all the commandments in one. "Whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise," they are all comprised in this one word, love.
John Wesley
Preschoolers are a unique and wonderful gift from God and we believe that they are an integral part of our church family. Our preschool ministry seeks to nurture the growth of preschoolers and offer love and support to their families during these important years.
Through our ministry to preschoolers, we desire to provide children with a loving and caring environment so they can learn of God, the wonderful world God created, and God’s love for them. Our mission is to share the message of God’s love, and through this message develop in children a young faith that can grow in the knowledge of God and God’s special plans for each life.
As we love and care for preschoolers, we provide many opportunities for children to learn, including Sunday School, Extended Session during worship services, Preschool Choir, and mission organizations. In addition to these weekly activities, special events for preschoolers are held throughout the year, which create an atmosphere of fun and learning with friends.
We hope you will visit our Preschool Ministry page often for the latest information about special events and happenings for your family.